I spent the past week in Tampa taking a class for work. My outbound flight last Sunday was delayed by 4.5 hrs for no particular reason whatsoever. They can call it weather all they want, but the bottom line I think is that we had no crew (likely our crew was on an inbound flight that had weather problems, but at a hub, that's an Ops issue, not WX). The flight
after ours actually left about 2 hours
before ours, so clearly WX wasn't the limiting factor. Anyhow the delay left me enough time to snap I guess a couple hundred shots from the south parking deck. The weather was awful during the afternoons in Tampa after class let out, but hopefully I got a few keepers there too. There are a couple great spots along Hillsborough Rd. just north of the airport when arrivals are coming in on the 18's. I'll get them edited, uploaded and tagged (along with the rest of my older photos) as soon as I can, but I need to upgrade my flickr account first.
In the mean time, here are a few of my favorite aviation photos I've taken so far. I'm sorry they aren't Airliners.net quality (but then again, no one is exactly sure what is anymore). If you haven't noticed yet, my flickr Photostream is at the top of this blog, so if you ever want to see more, just click.
For just a second, ATL looks like LAX:
Aeromexico departs 26L:
Taken from a balcony at the Renaissance Concourse:
The Delta TOC as seen from the Renaissance:
I have tons more that I've taken since March. More to come.
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