Thursday, October 30, 2008

Latest photos up on Flickr

Perhaps you noticed some new thumbnails in the random set above? I have finally gotten around to editing and uploading some pictures from ATL in September and SXM (St. Maarten) in October. I still have some more from SXM to edit, plus I need to go through some from the Dobbins airshow as well as ATL this past weekend, so stay tuned!

Here are a few of my favorites:
PJ-MDB - Insel Air McDonnell Douglas MD-82

N260AE- American Eagle ATR-72

PH-MCP - Martinair McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

'till next time....

Delta / Northwest merger approved!

This most likely won't be where you heard it first, but no self-respecting (Atlanta-based) aviation enthusiast would let it pass... The Delta / Northwest merger was approved by the feds yesterday, and the pending lawsuit in California was settled. This officially marries the two airlines. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has all the details.

Now then... this perhaps you didn't know: dalflyer (nee simuflite) over at Flickr reports of a rumor that a Northwest 747 is in the paint shop at an undisclosed location being repainted in the Delta colors as we speak, and shall be presented to the public within the next few days. Pretty soon, they'll be a regular sight in ATL, I suspect.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Countries and States Visited

I found this over at Austin Mormando's Flickr page. Thought I'd do my own.

Countries visited:

visited 16 countries (7.11%)
Create your own visited map of The World or determine the next president

States visited:

visited 32 states (64%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or determine the next president

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The View From St. Maarten

Well, I have officially checked off an item on my "to do before I die" list. Guess where I just returned from?

N910HL - DHL (Africair) Cessna 208B

There's more to come....